It took me ≈30 years to learn how to #nap for a full, all-phases, 90-mins sleep cycle to reboot my Homo #Consciousness OS
You might laugh: “Such an easy, basic achievement!”
But I wanna say: “With some key skills, persist… cause there’s always plan B of dying while trying.”😬
#Consciousness emerges over dimensions of disagreements with the universe, over the things that are not as they should be and which you need to regulate.
— Joscha Bach
It’s real simple. The brain is an organ which, like any other organ in the body, maintains an acceptable state of balance to remain alive. Your consciousness is a (small) part of this organ’s activity.
To keep the #brain in balance, the #consciousness creates stories about stuff going on inside and outside. It can be true stories, or false stories. It can be scientific data and objective testable models… or it can be fairies and gods. Your brain doesn’t care.
It only cares about the overall “I’m OK”.
You might think complete #nonsense about how airplanes fly or what other people feel. It doesn’t matter. Until you experience fear of flying or continuously misread people and their reactions. Winking face
And our #society doesn’t reward consistent, rational thought, or cause and effect #congruence. Quite the contrary. Raja #yoga and PHDs are for the weirdos. 🤪
4/4 — the end
( no it isn’t the end … that’s when we make a sequel, cause #filmmaking is all about creating mostly false stories 😂 )
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