The Silo series, like The Expanse, aspires to blend intricate sociodynamics with grounded engineering realism. Or does it dig its way down? The core of both stories — scientia potentia est — is clear. Knowledge is power. As Season 2 nears its conclusion, only those +
Ever wondered about the heart-rate accuracy of the cheapest Apple Watch compared to a medical-grade ECG chest strap? I did — and to find out, I wrote a Python script that compares heart-rate data from an Apple Watch SE (logged via on WatchOS) with +
Have you ever put on a sock inside-out? How about “lost 10 kg just by thinking about it”? That’s how Apple’s Foundation’s Black Hole Jump Drive™ feels to someone who understands physics: “black hole” is a spur-of-the moment, unfortunate misnomer of John Archibald Wheeler +
“Civil War” is a must-watch, especially for the fellow Americans. Even the normal ones. Not exclusively the A24 investment finance type of Americans with seed money from Guggenheim Partners, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan and SunTrust. I wish my dad would have given me a +
Have I missed something? Is it now normal for white, post-doc women to elbow-kick their love interest and colleague in the solar plexus? And a black male one at that? In a jaw-dropping scene of a Netflix series viewed worldwide? And the man passively folds in half, choking, +
Hats off to the colleagues at Haut et Court for pooling in an impressive amount of resources and talent to shoot the “Constellation” series for Apple+. However, the end result turned out as a pseudo sci-fi light-horror semi-drama that toys with quantum mechanics in low Earth orbit +
Even online, the French struggle with “customer service”. A retailer of running shoes, i-Run, has been sending me monthly e-mails warning that the €8.29 credit I had after buying from them will expire today, if I do not re-order immediately. They’ve just sent me a +
Fascinating how the film “Limitless” by Neil Burger starring Bradley Cooper paints a dreamy picture of a struggling artist with an external solution to everything — a pill, stolen by the artist — to be used by the artist to pursue: 1) money 2) sex 3) power… and his art? +
What would a trilingual like myself do with a ChatGPT? Torture it with correspondence tests, of course. Here’s the result: 🤪 ChatGPT: If we were to use English proficiency as a base and attribute a numerical score of 100 to it, I would rank my +
Oh, now Twitter asks me to pay 100 USD per month to read and backup my own tweets on my server. Since early July 2023, I can no longer GET my own posts, sort them into 3 distinct languages and store them in my own +
A review of Nick Lane’s “The Vital Question” is easy to write: just re-arrange a dozen of his own passages. The book itself, though, is not easy to read. Unless… you understand at least the main principles of physics, chemistry and Latin. However interesting the +
“Off the Clock” – Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done… by Laura Vanderkam. Oh, wow. Such a promising title. Again. Bless those who helped increase my reading speed! Because this book is 1% trite time management advice and 99% memory recalls of various mothers +
“Cheap Sex” is a great book by sociologist Mark Regnerus to compliment David Buss’ “Evolution of Desire”. It describes the current personal and interpersonal sexuality / gender relations state of affairs in the US. The local trends and stats which do or will impact the +
“How Emotions Are Made“ is yet another weird book with a promising title, written for someone without any knowledge of science, its methods and branches. Possibly for those of us who skipped biology classes in school and haven’t read anything about neuroscience ever since? The +
Finally got to watch “For All Mankind” season 1… well, Ronald Moore sure is consistent with his regular soap opera vibe. Or rather, alcohol+tobacco opera — the amount of drinking and smoking easily surpasses the amount of RP-1 burning and space flying. It ticks all +
“The End of the World is Just the Beginning” is a weird book by Peter Zeihan — self-described as an “optimist, green, internationalist, and democrat” — who retells us a mix-mash of history, geography, economy and chemistry lessons taught in school, then declares that the +
Disappointed by Carlo Rovelli’s “Order of Time”. Reads more like a physicist’s hobby project in creative writing (though quite a poetic one)… rather than a container of eye-opening, bleeding-edge information. Main ideas: time is quantized, entropy increases with time, time is local and relative, we +
Annoyed by Apple’s quoting, trimming and appending an “Excerpt From” when copying a small passage from an ePub? Did you know ePubs are a collection of HTML files? 🤓 Open the folder containing the books. If you use iCloud, type open ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~com~apple~iBooks/Documents/ in +
“The Art of Impossible” by Steven Kotler is a perfect example of a book by a journalist who does punchy write-ups of other books written by other punchy journalists who cite popular self-hack writers (like Tim Ferriss, whose advice is retold several times), who talk +
“The emergency shutdown system at Chernobyl had a fatal flaw. At 01:23:40, Akimov engages AZ-5, or SCRAM. The fully withdrawn control rods begin moving back into the reactor. These rods are made of boron, which reduces reactivity… but not the tips. The tips are made +
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