Wow. The Match Group did indeed introduce chat-assist to Tinder. Just look at their suggestions to start a dialogue after a match: 😱
• Hiiii Jane! Getting into anything fun this week?
• Hello Jane. How’s it going?
• Hi there! Getting into anything fun this week?
• Jane! Having a nice day?
• Nice to meet you Jane! What are you up to?
Punctuation errors aside, that style… will most probably get you unmatched ASAP… Else, you’d be watching a machine talking to a machine? Because the “let us do the talking” feature is rolled out to all genders.
What’s next? A brain implant to utter clichés to people? I mean, as of now, the dialogue prompts are far from ChatGPT’s (rather derivative) prose, but don’t you think the Tinder devs will buy API access from OpenAI soon?
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