Welcome to the beta of the version 3 of my web site.
I would really appreciate your feedback: it will help to improve my web site and hopefully make it more enjoyable for you.
To learn what’s new or unchanged since version 2, please read my post about the version 3 of anatolyivanov.com.
To express your opinions about features, as well as to report typos, errors, abnormalities and bugs, please add a comment below or contact me by any other means.
- What is your general impression after visiting my web site?
- How easy and comfortable to you is my web site?
- How easily can you find things you are looking for on my web site?
- How clear to you is what I do and how I do it (example: Anatoly IVANOV is a … and he can help me / us to …)?
- In what ways do you think I am different, if at all, compared to creative professionals / companies you may know or whose web sites you may have visited?
What do you:
- like about my web site?
- dislike about my web site?
What do you think is:
- too much?
- not covered in enough detail?
- missing?
I would like to ask specifically about the following features, please:
- Do links to previous / next pictures inside a photography gallery fade in / fade out to light grey?
- How easy is it to return to the photography section (home) page from inside a gallery?
- How clear is the purpose of the + sign in the web design gallery?
- Do comments work as expected?
- Do pingbacks / trackbacks work as expected?
Note: the post about the version 3 is open for pingbacks / trackbacks experimentation.
- Does the RSS subscription to posts and posts’s comments work as expected?
- Is the contact information clear?
- Do you see my e-mail address?
- Can you click on my e-mail address?
- Does the click on my e-mail address open your e-mail program with the correct address in the message “to” field?
- Can you see my cell phone clearly?
- Do you understand how to dial my cell phone number from outside of France?
- When you click on my Skype name, does Skype add me to your contact list?
- How easy and clear is it to show the before / after version of a photograph?
- Can you print pages from my web site?
- How satisfied are you with the print-outs (example: easy / hard to read, images missing, type too small, etc.)?
Please report:
- dead links (example: a “page not found” opens instead of the linked page)
- links leading to unexpected locations (example: the link says “Wikipedia / Article” but opens my photography portfolio instead)
Please report:
- misspelled words
- bad grammar
- bad style
- factual errors
That includes:
- all texts
- page titles
- window titles
- tooltips appearing when you hover a link with your mouse
Please report:
- things that do not work at all
- things that do not work as expected
- any other abnormalities and strange behavior on my web site
If you would like to report a bug, please mention, if possible:
- the link to the page containing the bug (inside the URL field of your web browser)
- the description of the bug, as detailed as you think necessary (what happens, how it looks)
- your operating system, including its version number (example: Windows XP Service Pack 2)
- your web browser, including its version number (example: Internet Explorer 7)
- your screen resolution (example: 1024 x 768 px)
- whether you have Arial Narrow or Helvetica Neue Condensed or Trebuchet MS or Arial or Helvetica font installed, and if not, which sans serif fonts you do have installed
The more detailed your bug report, the easier it is for me to correct the bug. But if you don’t know where to find some of that technical information, please at least include the link to the problematic page and describe the bug.
I welcome any other ideas or comments about my website: things you disagree with, things that you would like to see improved, etc.
I really appreciate your feedback.
eriq zain / 2008-08-13 20:49
nice job bro….
Thanks Eriq!
Jeanne / 2009-04-09 01:41
WOW, Im in love with your work. That is absolutely a must visit website. Your photography is simple, real and fantastic. You seem to have some very good view for details. Great works.
Thanks Jeanne, I appreciate it!
Yury Makedonov / 2010-05-03 16:49
Hi Anatoly,
Why do you use your own scroll bar?
It’s irritating and looks so amateurish.
Why not to hire a professional web developer/designer?
Sorry, but are you serious? What do you mean by “my own scroll bar”?! It’s the operating system’s default scroll bar (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, whatever).
Otherwise, I have been such “a professional web developer / designer” since 1999! Hired for money. It’s mentioned in the text above, but you can read about my design services in more detail or take a look at my design portfolio, if you prefer.
So, although I welcome your input, your remark seems a bit odd to me. Would you mind to elaborate?
Find out more about my posting and comments policy, as well as publishing frequency and copyright issues.