Unfuckingbelievable!! #Apple today announced Self Service #Repair, which will allow customers who are comfortable completing their own repairs access to Apple genuine parts and tools.
Available for the #iPhone 12 & 13 and soon to be followed by Mac computers featuring M1 chips, Self Service Repair will be available in January in the US and expand to additional countries throughout 2022.
Is it real?! Any restrictions? We’re talking #REVOLUTION here, people. 😮
Plus, you’ll be able to return the faulty parts for recycling to Apple in exchange for a CREDIT you could use for the next purchase.
Yes, they did so under pressure… which WE put on them (my tiny part is in there). And we’ll need to see the prices, etc.
Ouch! My @wacom Intuos #stylus has given up on me. Inner #plastic fatigue. Managed to kinda #repair it regardless. pic.twitter.com/ihS8jyjkFx
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