What is an Express Delivery by a European company, within the EU (no customs)?
Ordered: Thursday 14:00, courier picked up on Friday, delivered next week on Wednesday 18:00. 🙄
Similar service name by an American company, also in the EU: picked up same day 20:00, delivered next day before 08:00… or money back. 😍
Yeah, but worker protection? Paid vacations? “Life is not work”? “The only time I see my kids is when we’re on vacations”?
OK. But. Why does a whole continent have to take the day / month-off simultaneously?! Who did you make kids for? The babysitter? And how about the pride of doing an excellent job?
It’s an “I don’t care, I don’t want to think, I live from weekend to weekend till I retire to relax” vs “we do some cool shit here / love the smile on a client’s face” company culture. It’s how you spend the 90 000 hours of your life.
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