Why would a lightweight backpacker need a 1,3 L (44 fl oz) pot? To cook slow food for 5? Naaa… To melt snow in winter!
Dry winter air leads to quick dehydration. Drink a lot to compensate. Melt a lot of snow. Often. And quickly.
Have you ever tried melting enough snow for a liter of water using a 600 ml Snow Peak Titanium cup, or, maybe, an 850 ml MSR Titan Kettle? An exercise in patience. A royal pain in ass! You might spend your day sporking snow into these.
A 2 L titanium pot is much better. A 5 L is great! Switch on your white gas blowtorch and keep shoveling the snow in the pot.
But wait, titanium does not compress that well! These pots will claim those 2 or 5 liters in your pack!
Is there a middle ground between an ultralitish 600 ml and a traditional 2 L? There may be.
Photo: MSR Quick 1 Pot with insulated mug / With permission from Cascade Designs / Author unknown
For 2009, MSR has developed a line of integrated cook sets. The Exo 2, Quick 1 (pictured above), Quick 2, Flex 3 and Flex 4 systems combine a multitude of pots, strainer lids, insulated mugs and dish plates that fit in each other to gain space.
But does the lightweight backpacker need insulated mugs and dish plates? No. We just need the new MSR titanium pots.
Particularly the MSR Quick 1 pot:
Should be in stores worldwide in spring 2009. But, actually, I need it this winter!
2008-08-16 | Added details about the material of the Talon pot handle. |
2008-08-09 | First publication. |
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